Our Mission & Vision

Connect people to growing, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our vision is to make available to our community a church where people can experience God, connect in relationship with God and others, and respond to what God is doing. 

Our Values & Purpose

New Life Church exists for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a Bible-based ministry to and for the Body of Christ in Arkadelphia and the surrounding communities.  It is our intention that such ministry will always provide for: worship to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, through the anointed preaching and teaching of God's Word by the pastor and others so appointed; a close community of believers where love, fellowship, service, and submission to one another are the rule rather than the exception; and the propagation of the gospel of salvation to the lost of our community as well as those in other countries.


To the world


The power and love of God


The Good News of Jesus Christ


Believers to maturity within the body of Christ

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

-Matthew 28:19, 20

Our History

New Life Church was founded in June of 1981 by Pastor Martin Jones and a small group of dedicated families and individuals.  Being led by God, they established this non-denominational ministry in Arkadelphia. During the first month, the services were held in the hospitality room at a local bank.  Afterwards, the new congregation leased a property down town. The church grew in its downtown location, and in 1984 began construction on a new building. New Life Church moved into its present facility in September of the same year.

Why Non-Denominational?

By being a non-denominational ministry, New Life Church is not an official or legal extension of any organization.  However, our being non-denominational is not to be interpreted as an attempt to divide and separate from other believers and churches.   In fact, the contrary is true: we are free to unite with all who profess that Jesus is Lord and that the Bible is God's infallible Word, regardless of their denominational affiliation.

What We Believe

We do not presume to claim that the wording of the following statements is inspired or that the list is exhaustive in presenting the important truths of the Bible.  However, we are persuaded that it is both helpful and consistent with the Holy Scripture to "set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us" (Luke 1:1).  It is the common practice of New Life Church to preach and teach the following as the fundamentals of the Christian Faith.

Our Team


Martin and Jana Jones

Pastor and Wife

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Preston Jones

Worship & Youth Pastor
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Keith and Connie Runyan

Elder and Wife

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Jack and Judith Digby

Elder and Wife

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Larry and Brenda Rivas

Elder and Wife

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Get in Touch

We would love to meet you at one of our services! You can also feel free to contact us using the information below.

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Service Times

Sunday Worship

10:30 am

Wednesday Bible Groups

6:30 pm



139 High School Dr, Arkadelphia, AR 71923


870-246-5049 | newlifeoffice777@gmail.com